Zamenice su vrsta reči koje se koriste umesto imenice.
- Maria loves this film. She has watched it several times and she is still not bored.
Zamenice su neophodne u rečenici, međutim moguće je da se nikad ne koriste u rečenici. Mnoge rečenice bi zvučale čudno bez zamenica:
- Clarisa is creating Clarisa’s best work and Clarisa is thinking what Clarisa needs to do in the future.
- Clarisa is creating her best work and she is thinking what she needs to do in the future.
Upotrebu zamenica treba izbegavati u slučajevima kad značenje rečenice može biti nejasno:
- Ornaments on tables make it look nice. (Ne znamo na šta se it odnosi.)
- The boys made frames. The girls decorated them. They had fun. (Ne znamo na koga se they odnosi.)