Najbizarnije činjenice o svetu oko nas!

08/12/2017 16:36

Story Highlights

  • 22. A flea can jump up to 200 times its own height. That is the equivalent of a human jumping the Empire State Building. 123. There are 5 temples in Kyoto, Japan that have blood stained ceilings. The ceilings are made from the floorboards of a castle where warriors killed themselves after a long hold-off against an army. To this day, you can still see the outlines and footprints. 124. There is a snake, called the boomslang, whose venom causes you to bleed out from every orifice on your body. You may even turn blue from internal bleeding, and it can take up to 5 days to die from the bleeding. 125. A ball of glass will bounce higher than a ball of rubber. 126. Saturn’s density is low enough that the planet would float in water. 127. 68% of the universe is dark energy, and 27% is dark matter
  • both are invisible, even with our powerful telescopes. This means we have only seen 5% of the universe from earth. 128. The founders of Google were willing to sell Google for $1 million to Excite in 1999, but Excite turned them down. Google is now worth $527 Billion. 129. In the past 20 years, scientists have found over 1,000 planets outside of our solar system. 130. There are 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body. 131. If a pregnant woman has organ damage, the baby in her womb sends stem cells to help repair the organ. 132. If you started with $0.01 and doubled your money every day, it would take 27 days to become a millionaire. 133. Only one person in two billion will live to be 116 or older. 134. A person can live without food for about a month, but only about a week without water. If the amount of water in your body is reduced by just 1%, you’ll feel thirsty. If it’s reduced by 10%, you’ll die. 135. On average, 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents daily. 136. You can’t kill yourself by holding your breath.22. A flea can jump up to 200 times its own height. That is the equivalent of a human jumping the Empire State Building. 123. There are 5 temples in Kyoto, Japan that have blood stained ceilings. The ceilings are made from the floorboards of a castle where warriors killed themselves after a long hold-off against an army. To this day, you can still see the outlines and footprints. 124. There is a snake, called the boomslang, whose venom causes you to bleed out from every orifice on your body. You may even turn blue from internal bleeding, and it can take up to 5 days to die from the bleeding. 125. A ball of glass will bounce higher than a ball of rubber. 126. Saturn’s density is low enough that the planet would float in water. 127. 68% of the universe is dark energy, and 27% is dark matter
  • both are invisible, even with our powerful telescopes. This means we have only seen 5% of the universe from earth. 128. The founders of Google were willing to sell Google for $1 million to Excite in 1999, but Excite turned them down. Google is now worth $527 Billion. 129. In the past 20 years, scientists have found over 1,000 planets outside of our solar system. 130. There are 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body. 131. If a pregnant woman has organ damage, the baby in her womb sends stem cells to help repair the organ. 132. If you started with $0.01 and doubled your money every day, it would take 27 days to become a millionaire. 133. Only one person in two billion will live to be 116 or older. 134. A person can live without food for about a month, but only about a week without water. If the amount of water in your body is reduced by just 1%, you’ll feel thirsty. If it’s reduced by 10%, you’ll die. 135. On average, 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents daily. 136. You can’t kill yourself by holding your breath.

Povezane objave

Predstavljamo vam neke od najčudnijih činjenica o našoj planeti i njenim stanovnicima.

1. Pilule za kontracepciju deluju i na gorile.
2. Ne postoje satovi u kazinima u Las Vegasu.
3. Ne želimo da znamo kako su naučnici ovo otkrili, ali prema njima, bube imaju ukus jabuka, ose oraha, a crvi pečene slanine.
4. Ono što se u ostatku sveta naziva “francuskim poljupcem” u Francuskoj se zove “engleski poljubac”.
5. Mesec koji počinje u nedelju uvek će imati “petak trinaesti”.
6. Raspored očiju kod magarca onemogućava mu da vidi sva svoja četri kopita u isto vreme.
7. Neke vrste crva će pojesti sami sebe, ukoliko dugo budu gladni.
8. Delfini spavaju s jednim otvorenim okom.
9. U Francuskoj, legalno je da se venčate sa mrtvom osobom.
10. Rusija ima veću površinu od Plutona.

11. U jednoj operi na granici SAD i Kanade, publika sedi na strani gde je jedna država, a bina je u drugoj državi.
12. Žene imaju dva puta više receptora za bol od muškaraca i zato imaju i veći prag bola.
13. U svemiru ima više zvezda nego zrnaca peska na svim plažama na svetu.
13. Na svakog čoveka na Zemlji ima 1.6 miliona mrava.
14. Međutim, ukupna težina svih tih mrava jednaka je težini svih ljudi na planeti.
15. Na Jupiteru i Saturnu pada kiša od dijamanata!
16. Buva može da skoči 300 veću visinu nego što je sama visoka. U prevodu, to je ekvivalentno da čovek može da preskoči Empajer Stejt Bilding.
17. Postoji zmija koja se zove buslang, čiji otrov uzrokuje da osoba krvari iz svih otvora na telu. Čovek može da poplavi zbog unutrašnjeg krvarenja, a u roku od 5 dana, umire usled posledica gubitka krvi.

18. Osnivači Gugla bili su spremni da ga prodaju za milion dolara. Ipak, kompanija Excite je odbila ovu ponudu, a danas, Gugl vredi 527 milijardi!
19. U proteklih 20 godina, naučnici su otkrili preko hiljadu planeta van našeg Sunčevog sistema.
20. Ukoliko žena tokom trudnoće povredi neki organ, beba u materici šalje ćelije koje pomažu da taj organ zaceli.
21. Samo jedna osoba u dve milijarde doživeće 116 i više godina starosti.
22. Svakodnevno u proseku 12 beba se pomešaju u porodilištima i daju pogrešnim roditeljima.
23. Ne možete sami sebe ubiti tako što ćete zadržati dah.

08/12/2017 16:36

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